St. Joseph: Tuesday & Thursday 8am
Corpus Christi: Wednesday & Friday 8am

Corpus Christi: 4:30 pm

Corpus Christi: 9:00 am - live streamed
St Joseph: 10:30 am

Holy Day Vigil or Holy Day: 7:00PM @ Corpus Christi
Holy Day: 12:10 pm @ St. Joseph

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturdays 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm @ Corpus Christi
After Mass upon request

St. Joseph Cemetery is open daily from dawn to dusk.

JOSEPH HOUSE - Welcomes McKendree Students every Monday evening, 5-7pm, during Fall & Spring semesters, for dinner and fellowship as well as quiet study areas provided.

Evercare Center - First Tuesday of the month
Cedar Ridge Rehab - Second Tuesday of the month 

What's Happening at FORMED


Our partnership now subscribes to FORMED! It's available to everyone. Follow the link below and search under Parish for "St Joseph & Corpus Christi" then put in your email and you are on your way to faithfilled entertainment, education and enrichment. Enjoy and visit often! 

Be sure to scroll to the bottom for the latest! 

Online Giving Opportunities

We now have a VENMO account! 

Here is another easy way to donate to St Joseph Parish that is a click away. Just scan the QR code below and look for us on Venmo @StJoseph-LebanonIL. 

SAFE AND SECURE from Our Sunday Visitor

Our very own online giving program is now live!  ONLINE GIVING provides you the option to send your donations online, safe and secure, to St. Joseph parish as a direct deposit/auto withdraw. One time or recurring, the choice is yours!  Donate now! Just Scan the QR Code below or go to:  OSV Online Giving

3rd Sunday of Lent

Adoration & Prayer

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi

K-8+ Faith Formation

Sunday from 9-10:15AM

Youth Group & Young Adult Faith Formation



Adult Faith Formation

Second Collection

March 30 - Catholic Relief Services


Diocese Vocation Event

Prayer for Pope Francis

Holy Week - Triduum


Joseph House

Joseph House is highlighted in McKendree's video - click below. 

McKendree University Faith & Spirituality highlighting Joseph House


Welcome back and bring a friend!

You can now find information on campus programs through the diocese. Click Here



Immigration Support

"What is clearly true, and what the Church and many others have call for, is the urgent need for a comprehensive reform of our country's immigration system. The U.S. immigration system is overly complex and unjust, often keeping family members apart; it must be fixed."

- Statement of the USCCB Administrative Committee (March 17, 2022)

As our country continues to receive people who are seeking a better future for themselves and their families, we face the challenge of balancing the promotion of the common good, the government’s interest in regulating immigration and the aspirations of those who arrive seeking a better life here.  I believe most people would agree with several key premises. First, our government has the responsibility to secure our borders and keep the public safe. Second, the legitimate efforts of law enforcement to protect the safety of our communities deserves our support. Criminal behavior, whether committed by an immigrant or a longtime citizen, should be held accountable.    Third, at the same time, we are committed to promoting the dignity and rights of all people.
Comprehensive immigration reform is an important need in our nation. I hope that with encouragement from the public, civic and government leaders can create a process that will satisfy government concerns for the regulation of people arriving in the country without unnecessarily destabilizing individuals and families that have lived here, in many cases, for a period of years. I invite the Catholic community to join with me in learning more about the situation of migrants in America. I would also encourage people to consider contacting our elected officials and encourage them to consider different options that could help immigrants normalize their status. The issues we are facing are complex, yet if we stive to live the Gospel, treating all people with dignity and charity, I believe we can move forward on a path to a better life for all.  For full article, click HERE.

St. Joseph Catholic Church Map

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am-2:00 pm
Friday: Closed

Office Phone: 618-537-2575



  • Sun, Mar 23rd

  • Sun, Mar 16th
